Monday, April 5, 2010

shopping day

i've been craving this shoe for ages. and at last i can have it.. I am so happy! even now, i have to manage how to pay the bill next month +.+

before i close, i would like to say Happy Easter!
thank God, He come to save us. John 3:16


The 'first' time blogging


this is actually not my first time blogging.
Last year, my core subject at uni acquire me to have a blog, so i can post all my models and drawings, as a replacement of a portfolio. but after i finished my bachelor i am not using this blog anymore.

However,a few months later after i found out lots of interesting blog, i am moved to have one as well =P. it is hard for me for the first time to design it. coz, when i was used it before, i just applying a really classic, simple and already custom design.

OK guys. thats all from me, hopefully you enjoy my blog.
